Monday, September 28, 2015

The Battle For Your Health: Why Keeping You Sick Is Profitable

This story is published at

Have We All Been Wearing The Emperor's  Clothes?

"Keeping you alive is the name of the game - keeping you healthy is not"
Do you know what it's like to feel twice as healthy then you have ever felt in your entire life? Of course not, because it's difficult to image beyond the parameters of what one has ever experienced - particularly when the bar is set to the realistic state of your current health and well-being.
Imagine upon conception that you begin a slide, either slippery or slight, where from the time you are born until the day you die you begin to decay inside, a particular entropy that is more less what we call 'aging'.
Imagine then if you are able to control that slope of decay.
The rate of entropy we all endure is directly related to the way we live, walk, work, sleep, diet, and exercise.
"I'm going to leave the reader a breadcrumb trail of evidence in a detailed case of conspiracy - one that has been perpetrated for well over a century"
Do you drink city tap water that is adulterated with chlorine or fluoride? Do you drink bottled water? Do you drink soda pop or Big Beverage beer? Do you splurge for good healthy organic ingredients to cook with or do you use canned and boxed foods that are more common to the average American household? Do you take vitamins or supplements? Do you consume breath fresheners such as mints or chewing gum?
Do you then take medication? Do you have disorders, like cramps, migraines, acid reflux? Do you have more serious complications like asthma, diabetes or an immunodeficiency?
Do your prescription drugs make you feel better overall, or do you feel degenerately  worse? Do you find other side effects and general imbalance in your daily life as a result of medication?
"What if we are capable of maintaining a microbiota that is impervious to disease or ailment"?
Cabal Food Chain

Cabal Food Chain
What if we are purposely led to believe that our current lifestyle and diet is actually detrimental to all under-educated masses and that the medical establishment of the 21st century is more precisely a cabal? They all play for the same team that say you must be vaccinated - but only what is provided - with no alternatives other than being labeled as an anti-vaxxer and a walking threat to global health. Yet the Anti-vaxxer community has a point:
"If you poison the well don't make us drink from it - allow us to dig our own well"
In other words, vaccines are intentionally created, supervised and administered exclusively by the scientific community. Yet, conceivably there are other methods of vaccinating oneself that may be technologically feasible in this day and age - considering that the rate of discoveries and philosophies behind what microbes can do. If anti-vaxxers indeed had an alternate [1] method to vaccinate themselves, the argument must provide that most anti-vaxxers would actually vaccinate.
American Medical Association and Behavioral Sciences
It is hypocritical to make argument for "science and medical consensus" when it has been proven that scientists and academics are influenced through the hubris of their peers.
Case in point: 39/100 papers [2] in the field of psychology were deemed not reproducible, citing corrupt peer reviews and industry demand for publishable material.
"Sometimes scientists fall short of the ideals of the scientific method. Especially in bio-medical research, there’s a disturbing trend toward results that can’t be reproduced outside the lab that found them, a trend that has prompted a push for greater transparency about how experiments are conducted" [3]
The American Medical Association and the field of neurosciences [4] are not faring any better -  47 of the 53 studies could not be replicated [5].
"...The scientific community considers itself to be reasonably impregnable behind the walls of Academia it has created for itself and they simply hate people who attempt to tunnel in underneath and undermine their Doctorates" [6]
Marijuana con Synthetics
'Spice' drugs such as K-2 and other pseudo cannabinoids are continually referred to as 'synthetic marijuana'.
"It creates a constricting effect to the cardiovascular system, which includes faster heart rate, which becomes life threatening as it leads to various dangers such as heart attack and stroke."
Synthetic cannabinoids are a result of laboratory experiments conducted by U.S. sponsored research. Yes, the U.S. government is responsible for the creation of Spice , K-2 and other synthetic cannabinoids.
"The term synthetic  refers to a psychotropic substance manufactured by a process of full chemical synthesis"  
In the 1990's, the National Institute for Drug Abuse (NIDA) funded [7] research by John W. Huffman that focused on making a drug to target endocannabinoid receptors in the body; this resulted in the discovery of a variety of synthetic substances called JHW-cannabinoids.
These are being marketed as Spice, K2, and other novelty names, enticing youth culture who are old enough to get into these shops yet not old enough to buy cigarettes; they generally cannot smoke marijuana for a variety of reasons, including drug testing for jobs they hold. The deception in the media to emulate JWH-synthetics to marijuana culture has effectively drawn youth to the glamor of bath salt abuse, much as Joe Camel did for teenage cigarette smoking in the late '80's.
In 1970 the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) authored the professional opinion that "Marijuana is not physically addictive, though some users do become psychologically dependent on the drug", which paved the way for the Drug Enforcement Administration to place it on the drug dealers table, right beside heroin and cocaine: a schedule 1 narcotic.
And because the U.S. Government subscribes solely to the opinion of NIDA and the cherry-picked research carried out exclusively at the Mississippi Farm, no other institution in the U.S. has ever been authorized to grow or study the use and effects of marijuana for research.
"NIDA has a government granted monopoly on the production of medical marijuana for research purposes. In the past, the institute has refused to supply marijuana to researchers who had obtained all other necessary federal permits. Medical marijuana researchers and activists claim that NIDA, which is not supposed to be a regulatory organization, does not have the authority to effectively regulate who does and doesn't get to do research with medical marijuana."
Dr. Mahmoud ElSohly, the head of the marijuana research program at Ole' Miss since 1981, is ostentatious in his regard for smoking marijuana; in a handful of sourced stories, he lends an obvious disdain for recreational use, including his partisan mannerisms and assumed authority in law. "We have to make the distinction that this is an approval by referendum, rather than an approval by regulatory testing and due process," he is quoted as saying.
"They get something off the street without knowing the potency of what they are smoking, and before they realize they've had too much, it's already too late," says ElSohly.
Too late? Dr. Mahmoud ElSholy explains, "The psychoactivity of high-potency marijuana is really not a pleasant thing. People get paranoid and very irritable, almost violent sometimes."
Almost violent sometimes are key words one need only focus on: the wordplay is a brazen attempt at hyperbole, which in typical fashion of 20th-century politics, a textbook style play on fear. Compare the effects of marijuana to those of JHW-synthetics: one can make you irritable; the other can kill you.
And fear there most certainly is - of Big Pharma taking control of U.S marijuana production. Remember, it was the NIDA laboratory that discovered JHW-cannabinoids. Where was the NIDA warning to the Drug Enforcement Agency regarding the risks of JHW-cannabinoid use?
You can still buy it around town.
To add insult to injury, science now acknowledges that cannabis is anti-fungal, anti cancerous [8] and  when the U.S. Government was busy making it illegal for anyone else in the world to study its inherent effect's , they conducted their own research through the National Institute for Drug Abuse and Ole' Miss, which lead to a very quiet patent [8] filing when no one else was legally able to possess it. If that was not enough, Monsanto recently managed to file a patent on genetically modified marijuana - despite the fact that cannabis is still a schedule 1 narcotic.
But does the deceit stop there? No, it goes back to the very beginning. The medical establishment never stopped lying - the AMA began through lies.
The Federal government have been for hire to special interest groups at least since they went into the federal income tax racket. Possibly one of the U.S. government's' biggest clients in history had been the American Medical Association.
The Harrison Act of 1946
In 1937 the American Medical Association, along with practicing physicians and pharmacists convened a House Ways and Means committee to offer scientific testimony regarding tax and regulation of cannabis. At issue were the current 'Marihuana' rules imposed for medicinal extraction, manufacturing and prescribing by physicians.
The AMA - or more precisely, the lawyer who represented them - had blatantly purged one of the most beneficial plant species in world. What began as an innocuous newspaper editorial had steamrolled into the repudiation of cannabis, repressing a natural medicinal substance based on sheer fallacy of science policy.
At that time the U.S. government had no authority to regulate medicine and had even refused to sign an earlier draft of the 1936 Geneva Trafficking Convention which was deemed "too weak, especially in relation to extradition, extraterritoriality and the confiscation of trafficking profits"; despite this, cannabis was nevertheless slated for prohibition. But in order to comply with the Geneva Convention - which included criminalizing cannabis in all 198 nations - the government had to find a way to regulate it. The Marihuana Tax Act of 1937 proposal proved to be the work around the government needed - by forcing the hand of the medical establishment.
"The American Medical Association (AMA) opposed the act because the tax was imposed on physicians prescribing cannabis, retail pharmacists selling cannabis, and medical cannabis cultivation and manufacturing; instead of enacting the Marijuana Tax Act the AMA proposed cannabis be added to the Harrison [9] Narcotics Tax Act" and made illegal for recreational and medicinal uses.
The American Medical Association was to blame for the deletion of cannabis from the pharmacopoeia, an indisputably boorish [10] act in retrospect.
"If (Marijuana) were unknown, its discovery would no doubt be hailed as a medical breakthrough", writes the Economist, "Scientists would praise its potential for treating everything from pain to cancer and marvel at its rich pharmacopoeia; many of whose chemicals mimic vital molecules in the human body."
The study of marijuana has led science to the discovery of cannabinoids and their interactive behavior with receptors in the human brain. Sadly, through the politics of the AMA  the medical community they preside over had to wait more than 50 years for cannabis reemerge clearing  a path to the discovery of the human endocannabinoid [11] system.
Setting The So-Called 'Establishment'
There was gold in them there hills, and those hills were American's and their hard earned cash at the close of World War I. The common proletariat lived meagerly, oft in squalor and made ends meet by eating nearly anything that was edible - that would not kill you.
A self-taught scientist had been touring the medical circuit giving sweeping lectures on fantastic new technology he had invented. This man's claim and proofs of success was what post-war America needed - cheap, non-invasive treatment for anything from common ailments to viscous types of deadly cancer.
To another man this technology was simply snake oil.
"A fact could be either a shared truth, or a shared delusion, depending on what era you're living in and how far along human civilization has progressed" [1]
Between these two men, a stage was set for what was to become the greatest infringement on human health - affecting each and every life of the millions of people who have lived and died from that period of time - 1930 [12] to present.
One man used a ray beam to cure cancer; the other used x-rays.
Morris Fishbein, head of the American Medical Association had been known as an alternative healer before taking on the reins of the newly ordained - though hardly credible - high brow institution.  Treatment for cancer at the time included newly implemented technology called x-rays: these were radiation rays that were set to 'cook' and applied generously to the patient. Many people died very quickly through these dark years as post-war America "practiced" what would become modern medicine.
Unlike "Doctor" Fishbein, Raymond Royal Rife knew exactly what a microbe was - after all he had seen one up close. This might seem like an ordinary skill given the technology available in now, but back in 1930, it was a staggering feat. In fact, the microscope Ray Rife constructed - and what was subsequently demolished - is a heart-wrenching tale in that another electron scope of its capability would not be reproduced again until the next century.
The first optical microscope was comprised of over 4,000 custom parts specially designed by Rife that could view bacteria at a  magnification of 31,000 x. Additionally, the Rife microscope was able to view microorganisms alive and record their actions. Rife was the first microbiologist to study active microbes and develop therapies that cured cancer.
Mortal Oscillatory Resonance (MOR) Frequencies
Rife found that microbes attack cells by invading the nucleus and taking over control, much like stealing a car. He then developed a therapy based on radio frequencies that besieged the microbe assailant much like electromagnetic pulse technology - in simple terms, the microbes who caused the cells to become cancerous were blasted to death through a bombardment of specific frequencies.
The clinical studies Rife performed were highly successful and lauded as remarkable achievements in the field of human health. Rife's results were subsequently published in medical journals and he went on to lecture at prestigious colleges throughout the country.
Fishbein allegedly offered Rife a 'buy out' for his MOR frequency technology; when Rife refused to sell his invention, his laboratory,  microscope and notes were allegedly looted and burned as a consequence. Medical journals that had published his studies would later - under pressure from the AMA - retract, discredit, contradict and rewrite the work of Raymond Rife near completely out of existence.
Meanwhile, the world had cancer; there was money to be made.
"If the for-profit cancer industry really wanted to help people, it would work to put itself out of business by creating a world without cancer" [1]
Thick As A Brick
Jethro Tull (The band borrowed the name) was a 17th century English farmer who had once claimed that plant roots are comprised of millions of little tiny mouths that chomp down on pieces of soil, eating dirt particles so to speak. Therefore, he reasoned, if the dirt were minced, or tilled into smaller pieces, the plants would more easily consume the earth.
This was the introduction to 300 years of arduous labors of soil tilling and the grossly-negligent practice of carbon dioxide releasing - turning up arable farmland and exposing microbial life to harmful ultraviolet rays - all so that plant root 'baby mouths' can 'chew up' dirt a little easier.
Except now we know that roots actually 'eat' a complex compound of the nutrients we feed them. Fertilizers contain hardly any plant-available nutrients; added nutrients must first be converted over into complex compounds by microorganisms, and are then transported by said microbes to the rhizome - or the root lining. These then are exchanged for microbial food,  or what are known as exudes.
By comparison is the fluoride debate where it seems broken down to tooth health rather than over all health effects on the human body over a lifetime, and the inability to titrate  - or regulate - levels of intake. Fluoride is in everything from canned food to tea, from mints to beer, from vitamins to bottled water - there is no way to control titration.
For instance, if health experts found that barium [13]  "in small amounts" helped to foster fingernail and toenail sheen, then the norm might be to establish barium-infused enemas following bowel movements - all in the name of healthy nail growth. And while the experts run study after study to determine if in fact, barium did indeed help as a natural nail fungicide one's overall life longevity is curtailed and nary none the wiser- mostly because it was intended all along; any toxins can alter the microbiota.
Glucose is fast becoming the body's number one cause of disease; refined sugar has been shoveled down American's throats in heaping spoonfuls while other alternative sweetener competitors are simply rubbed [14] out. Even while stevia,  sugar alcohols and miraculin extracts are a good way to avoid diabetes,  it so happens that glucose is one of two serious culprits that foment cancer: researchers have demonstrated [15] how cancer cells use glucose to generate the building blocks of cellular compounds that are needed for rapid tumor growth.
It's no secret that diabetes and heart disease runs rampant: more than a 60 billion dollar toll on the healthcare system is projected, yet research indicates that no one should have [16] these diseases in the first place.
Disease prevention simply is not profitable - proponents of the fruit berry miraculin learned hard lessons when they tried to join Big Sugar in the sweetener industry.
"Miralin's main competitor at the time was a company called GD Searle, which pushed its sweetener aspartame through FDA approval via potentially shady means" [14]
Developed in the 1960's by bio-medical student Robert Harvey, the miraculin berry threatened to dissolve the sugar industry by introducing an all-natural additive that made anything sour taste sweet. This was no small matter; Miralin, the company that would manufacture miraculin extract was poised to disrupt not just Big Sugar, but destabilize a cornered market ruled by healthcare.
And while clever [17] stories are written to support mainstream healthcare, other organizations who are devoted to disease prevention [18] seem to reside irreverently on the fringe.   ♣
Creative Commons License
The Battle For Your Health: Why Keeping You Sick Is Profitable by Greg A.Brunty is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. Parts of this work was republished from alter ego Scotch Branwell.This work was originally published at by Greg A. Brunty.
[6] 01.pdf
[16] alert certified organic food grown us foundcontaminated glyphosate herbicide

Thursday, September 10, 2015

A Call To Arms: Germ Warfare In The 21st Century

This story is published at

War is coming - however, instead of waging war with the 'germ', we will all be fighting for our lives to defend against it.
The pathogen is making a comeback, and because we as a society fear the bacterium, we will not have educated masses to defeat it; the germ or, the pathogen, will in the end consume us all.
This sounds bleak, but Mother Earth has permitted microbes to wipe out all existence at once: the largest known extinction in the fossil record has been attributed directly to microbes. Unfortunately, earth stands poised to repeat history.
Would you believe that the forfeiture of existence for all mankind boils down to human beings treating their planet like the disgusting, filthy human beings that we are?
Would you believe that if we all cleaned up our act, we do in fact possess the knowledge to turn the planet around - and save ourselves from ourselves - strictly through the use of beneficial microbes?
Would you believe that mankind is too chickenshit of ‘germs’ to embrace beneficial bacteria, and that through this nescient mentality, man will meet his ultimate demise?
Take a collective breath and follow me as I guide you on a journey that describes a silent war being fought; this is a war that affects all of humanity, waged by humanity against humanity - and humanity is losing badly.
Over a century ago this war began, though it was not WWI itself - it was more precisely the ideology of one particular munition - the ‘germ’. Through years of indoctrination, bacteria and pathogens have become synonymous, breeding fear into classrooms throughout the world.
Only over the last decade have studies begun on the beneficial aspect of bacteria, where soil science pioneer Dr. Elaine Ingham has mapped the soil food web, the microscopic equivalent of our visible food chain.
Dr. Elaine ingham
Soil Food Web
These are organisms you cannot see with the naked eye, nor hear; you can certainly smell them and you feel them every day - and, by God you eat them. They are, in every worldly form, living microbes - good and bad, anaerobic, beneficial, mutualistic; these organic lifeforms balance your own personal microbiome, enhance it, change it and fortify it. They impregnate our gut with a natural fauna and flora, the so called bio sponge inside each of us, ecological habitats that harbor microbial life. You are
Decomposing banana on the sidewalk in the middle of a busy metropolitan city
symbiotic with most of these organisms. Others, you most certainly are not.
A healthy microbiome is maintained by one who refrains from destroying their body's own natural fauna and flora. It is quite easy to damage your natural ecosystem in today's society: to begin with, water in almost every form contains compounds that are toxic to your habitat. Chlorine and chlorides are the most common toxins; they wreak havoc on microbial populations by killing indiscriminately. Inevitably, the microbes that one will lose through ill diet would be ones that could conceivably stave off your hereditary disease. Microbes either hold at bay or directly cause life threatening diseases through microbial imbalance in nearly every imaginable ailment known to man. Microbes can quite conceivably cure any one of them as well.
A person's microbiome can take over an entire room within hours, turning a suspiciously scented hotel suite into something that feels like home away from home through the spreading of one’s personal microbial culture.
Microbes can float on air, explaining why one might feel things attach themselves from out of nowhere without actually seeing anything.
Ejected gut bacteria can live unseen for weeks, permeating the air of a storefront, sight unseen. These are pathogens that continue to live and thrive beyond a simple clean up.
Extremophile microbes have been found to exist in amazingly profound conditions, such as attached to the exterior of manned space vehicles in vacuum, to the searing heat of fiery volcanoes, from the frigid polar regions of the antarctic, to fathoms below in deep sea.
Actively aerated compost teas can breathe new life into barren soil landscapes, while specific beneficial tea brews strengthen plants against pests and disease. Beneficial bacteria and fungi serve the roots by converting base nutrients into complex compounds that become plant available food; without microbes, nutrient lock can occur.
Microbes have been identified that eat electricity, others that can consume oil spills. Microbes in soil has lead to the most recent discovery of the most powerful antibiotics in more than 50 years.
Beneficial microbes bring out the beauty of life
Beneficial microbes bring out the beauty of life
The Tree of Life, a categorization of known species, has recently doubled in discovery of new phyla: up until now no one had ever thought to look for microbes on a scale barely a tenth of the size.
Years of cultivation have taught us that inorganic farming, petroleum based fertilizers and other adulterations cause loss of natural fauna and flora, including beneficial bacteria and fungi that sustain healthy roots and plant life.
Would it stand to reason that assorted adulterations that saturate our daily diets actually destroy our own beneficial bacteria and natural flora and fauna?
Before mentioning controversial compounds, it must be noted that anything one might include in a diet in high volume can destroy one's own flora and fauna - or microbiota. Simply put, the ecology of the human body was not designed to 'binge' sources to make up for deficiencies. The human microbiome is a control panel that - in a healthy body - is correctly wired. When there is an influx of a mineral, compound or other adulteration, a portion of that microbial community may die off or a different microbial population may spur into existence. These are the changes in one's microbiota that are the root cause of most diseases - and while some
Pathogenic and parasitic-ridden carcass decomposing in the middle of an urban neigborhood
Pathogenic and parasitic-ridden carcass decomposing in the middle of an urban neighborhood
diseases are attributed as hereditary through genetic markers, unhealthy microbiota are most certainly hereditary as well.
Looking at today's statistics on deaths by natural causes worldwide, well over three quarters - if not all - of these are directly or indirectly related to microbial imbalances in one's microbiome. Science is only now using microbes to cure many diseases and afflictions. And while this is promising, there are circumstances that call for social education and implementation of beneficial microbes.
Fact: Every cattle pasture, chicken coup, hog pit and sheep pen that smells foul and putrid is indeed foul and putrid. The reason these pastures smell in such a way to our nostrils is that they are pathogenic and toxic.
It so happens that livestock practices are wrong. Modern day livestock are increasingly susceptible to disease and constantly build resistances to antibiotics. As production weights continually drop due to poor health, these industries often turn to steroids to enhance growth, in effect throwing good money after bad.
In current use are Indigenous Microorganisms (IMO's), which are beneficial bacteria lactates discovered in the late naught's. By inoculating livestock, food sources and surface areas, practitioners have found that bacteria lactates actually consume - or arrest - foul odors, effectively cleansing animals and living quarters of harmful organisms and replenishing their fauna and flora. Further, research has shown that inoculated livestock require less food, are healthier and do not require traditional regimental treatments against infectious diseases.
In fact, indigenous bacteria lactates have shown so much promise, these beneficials could conceivably serve to clean up human filth in metropolitan communities worldwide.
Imagine recycling receptacles inoculated with odor-arresting lactates, harmless to humans, yet ferocious to anaerobic and pathogenic bacteria: puddles, ponds and rivers annihilating pathogen-protecting bio-films, all the while feeding and reproducing to continue on with it's job. Imagine inoculated water sources functioning as microbial self-sustaining, preventing protein buildup that causes algae bloom while keeping water bodies balanced against anaerobic or stagnant states.
 Losing Our Troops Through Microbial Bias
Nothing damages a war effort more than troop morale. In this battle to conquer the pathogen, we as a society have been indoctrinated through the use of germ warfare to instinctively reject the bacterium simply on merit. The germ - a pathogen - is conveniently lumped into one broad term of use: when one says 'beneficial bacteria' to the uneducated ear one hears 'bacteria' and disassociates the previous word out of prejudice.
Organic is always good for troop morale
Organic beer is always good for troop morale
It's clear that if society intends to have a serious conversation about microbial health, we must start from the ground up: educating our kids who have yet to be ingrained to fear all that you cannot see.
President Obama announced an ambitious Plan of Action to Combat Infectious Diseases, a plan with a modest price tag of 1.2 billion, though sadly there is no mention of beneficial microbes to combat infectious disease transmission.
Microbes can regulate protein rich bodies of water where present technology has few weapons in the arsenal to defend from algae blooms and stagnant breeding grounds from parasitic transmitting insects, as well the potential to break down infectious bio-films that incubate devastating diseases.
The brilliant part about the Obama plan of action is how we as a society can use it: every science teacher in every school should feel compelled to read up on the simple procedure to extracting IMO's and create a course syllabus; apply to the Federal Government and receive funding to take your students out on field trips to gather biological cultures.
These cultures are harmless and by far outweigh through their humanitarian importance any other subject one might wish to teach this fall. Anyone can learn to create or extract beneficial bacteria, fungi or bacteria lactates.
The benefits to learning how to control pathogen and parasite transmission while enhancing human health is immeasurable, and the contribution to both science and Mother Earth are rewards no one else can give away but by Nature Herself - if for no other reason, than to honor those beneficial microbe practitioners who soldier on.

Creative Commons License
A Call To Arms: Redefining Germ Warfare In The 21st Century by Greg A Brunty is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. All Photos by Greg A. Brunty. Image: Chromographs institute. This work was originally published at by Greg A. Brunty.

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